Saturday, February 19, 2005

History Bloggers' Guild

Today I have decided to start an organization for blogs that deal with history. It will be called the History Bloggers' Guild (HBG). The purpose for this guild is to bring together bloggers who write about history or archaeology. The requirements are other than dealing with the past:
-must be balanced, unbiased, and present mostly straightforward information.
-should post regularly, at least 3 or 4 times a week.
-must be in English.
-must have a positive outlook on history, know why it is important.
Currently I am looking for 4 other Leader blogs. I will be searching the web for them, if you have a blog that fits the above requirements and and are interested, say so on a comment on this post. If you know another blogger that fits the above requirements please inform him/her.

If I decide that your blog fits the requirements and is suitable, then I will post a comment on your blog to tell you. On that comment I will explain the organization and specific purposes of the Guild. I will also answer andy questions you have. Remember, I can only choose 4 right now, more members can join, but only once I have set up everything with the other 4.

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